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York Estates

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About Us

ork Estates, one of the leading real estate companies in the region and internationally, promises every eager investor locally and worldwide the best value for his money. With a unique and extensive property database that covers elite UAE property and delivers the best opportunities available to every innovative investor, York Estates has become a pioneer in both housing and commercial real estate sectors.

We built our business organically, with a foundation grounded in ethics, and with the vision of being in Dubai long term. Our idea is to become integrated into the system of the city not just as an independent company, but as a complimentary part of Dubai as a whole.


York Estates, one of the leading real estate companies in the region and internationally, promises every eager investor locally and worldwide the best value for his money. With a unique and extensive property database that covers elite UAE property and delivers the best opportunities available to every innovative investor, York Estates has become a pioneer in both housing and commercial real estate sectors.

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