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Royal Diwan Group

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About Us

The company has a strong Research & Development Wing which is focused mainly on generating new formulations and fragrances. The R&D facility of the company is based in Industrial Area of Dubai where our Research team works round the clock for developing unique Fragrances for our customers.

The company is aimed at developing an ethical and responsive environment in all its endeavors and maintaining a continued Innovative and creative product base for improving the lifestyle of customers. Our reputation has emerged as a responsible and dependable partner for most organizations. Such deep Integrity and Responsiveness is the result of our Open policies which have been regulated to service and growth in the economy of U.A.E.


Royal Diwan Group has shared a vision of growth and development with the economy and has powered most projects to be pioneered for the achievement of group goals and nation’s development apart from earning and growing stupendously. The group has been influential in gaining expertise in multiple customer service areas encompassing manufacturing, trading, designing, commerce, media and real estate to name a few. Such large service arena is possible only with a sincere approach to growth and ethical principles which the group has shared throughout its business processes. The resultant business is the outcome of years of expertise in managing business operations and handling customer’s requirements.

The Company was started with a Mission by the promoters to be globally acknowledged for the quality and excellence of products and maintaining a close relation with customers at all levels of sales and support. Elite Standards, eminent style and perfect fragrance is what Royal Diwan promises all its customers.

Royal Diwan Group is a highly responsible, explicitly acknowledged and efficiently managed, fragrance business house in the U.A.E.

The Company has gained an imminent place in the league of leading perfume manufacturers throughout the globe. The decade old company, powered by the management of Sheikh Ahmad Bin Dalmouk & Saber Albattash, has grown to new heights in the past few years serving its customers proficiently by maintaining higher customer service standards.

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