Dubai Light House

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  • Falcon City of Wonders, Dubai



The Dubai Light House brings back to life another ancient wonder that does not exist in real world anymore.

The Pharos of Alexandria was a lighthouse built in the 3rd century BC on the island of Pharos in Alexandria, Egypt to serve as that port's landmark, and later, a lighthouse. With a height variously estimated at between 115 and 135 meters (383 - 440 ft.) it was among the tallest man-made structures on Earth for many centuries, and was identified as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It was largely destroyed as a result of two earthquakes in the 14th century AD.

However now at the Falconcity of Wonders Dubai, you will witness the new Dubai Light house, and it will serve as a lighthouse, landmark, and an architectural marvel at the same time. It will host commercial, residential, recreational and retail elements.

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