Provita International Medical Center LLC Logo

Provita International Medical Center LLC

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About Us

With strong international ties, ProVita International Medical Center is the region’s first healthcare provider to offer state of the art long-term care for ventilated patients and those requiring continuous medical and nursing intervention for serious medical conditions, in a non-hospital setting.

Our doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and related specialists offer the highest standards of professional medical care and therapy – tailored to each of our patient’s needs with a clear objective: enhance their quality of life, increase the patient’s human potential and continually promote normalcy for the patient and their family.

ProVita International Medical Center is the first of its kind in the MENA region to address this need. Our facility and qualified team significantly improves the quality of life for patients who while providing the necessary specialized care in their home country, as opposed to similar facilities abroad or ICU beds at local hospitals. ProVita’s services alleviate financial and logistical pressure on over-subscribed hospital ICU units in Abu Dhabi and the GCC. ProVita plans to expand its reach with additional locations throughout the UAE and other countries in the region. In Abu Dhabi, we have a capacity of 36 beds; carefully selected nurses provide 24 hour care, additionally specially trained physicians provide 24/7 physician coverage.

We do care – with dedication, compassion, respect and absolute commitment to medical excellence and quality of life for our patients.


Provita provides long term care for acute ventilator dependent clients or clients whose condition merits regular medical, nursing and rehabilitation interventions in a non - hospital setting.

Mission and Philosophy

We follow a holistic approach in all we do for our patients. Our patients require respiratory and medical care on the highest possible level; however, in the first place they have dreams, hopes and expectations like everybody else. Commitment, honesty and clarity are especially important in all we do – not only when dealing with family members, hospitals and financial sponsors. You confide in us – and this is how we justify your confidence and how we efficiently conserve all resources. Our vision is to be the pre-eminent long-term care provider to citizens of the MENA.


ProVita is based on the groundbreaking and patient-centric work of founder Christina Shawky-Boehme, who first established Pro Vita Germany in 1995. Together the team at ProVita International Medical Center, Abu Dhabi, succeeded in creating an international care model and first facility of its kind in the UAE. With strong global ties and international nursing standards we are proud to offer a truly multicultural environment for our patients.


ProVita International Medical Center is a portfolio company of TVM Capital MENA Ltd., a private equity and growth capital firm focused on investments in the healthcare markets of the Middle East, North Africa (MENA) and India.

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