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Master Minds Nursery

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About Us

The inspiration for Masterminds Nusery was conceived along with my daughter, Athena. Like every parent, I wanted to provide my child with every opportunity in life. This triggered a global quest to find the most pioneering thinking in early childhood development. After reseraching numerous options all over the world, I finally came across a globally renowned institute that had been a pioneer in early childhood development for 60 years. After walking the grounds of their on-campus school and seeing these amazing, happy and kind 3, 4, and 5 year olds, all of whom could read, do maths, talk about the great artists of the world, speak three languages, play the violin, do gymnastics and have a love of learning that I had never seen before, I knew that I had found something extraordinary. It has been a long, and sometimes difficult journey to bring this to the UAE. This is why we so strongly cherish the exclusive partnership that we have with the institute.


Masterminds Nursery offers a joyous, enriching and integrated early learning curriculum that combines a mother’s traditional wisdom with 60 years of leading-edge neuroscience and research in child development to create Intellectual, Physical and Social Excellence in children between 18 months to 6 years.

Our daily curriculum includes French and Arabic immersion, Violin, Gymnastics, Swimming as well as enrichment programs which ensure that all children can Read, do Maths and have exceptional Knowledge by the age of 6. The specialized methodology of our enrichment programs has been proven to multiply the child’s intelligence, physical abilities and social development.

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