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Veincure Clinic

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About Us

VeinCure Clinic is a High standards specialty Clinic dedicated to advanced non surgical solutions of common skin and vascular conditions.

Being one of the very few members of the American College of Surgeons in Dubai, we carry the responsibility of representing the best and safest treatments available for the conditions we manage at our Clinic.

Any treatment at VeinCure Clinic has to meet three criteria : Safety, effectiveness and FDA approval .

With this in mind, we invite you to explore our website for the services that meet your needs.

Erasing veins on a daily basis, day in and day out, doing more than 1000 vein laser treatments a month, accumulating the most refined experience in veins treatments in the hands of Dr. Sarmad Aji, FACS, an American Board Certified vascular surgeon with passion for veins and skin Laser treatments, who has moved recently to Dubai after several years of visiting it from the USA as a teaching vascular surgeon.

From the large grape sized varicose veins to the most minuscule thread veins on the legs, face or elsewhere, all are treated with simple, non surgical, advanced laser techniques at the clinic with no pain, downtime or complications.

Cosmetic skin treatments offered at VeinCure are few but very effective and safe, they actually work, produce real and visible results and make sense. So when we offer the T3 skin treatment (the New Thermage resulting in the 3 Ts: Tightening, toning, texturing), it's because we studied it, tested it, and sow its real results on hundreds of patients before adopting it. We are very stubborn in adopting any technology, we have very strict criteria, it has to be safe and it has to be effective and it has to be FDA approved, All services offered at VeinCure are all based on the same philosophy.


A State of the Art Specialty Clinic dedicated to treating varicose veins, hair removal, pigmentation, aging, fat, skin problems and more.

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