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Scholars International Academy

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About Us

Scholars International Academy is a progressive educational institution that focuses on developing the "whole" child. The school is based on the British curriculum, but incorporates the latest in thought leadership and global pedagogies from around the world. We encourage students to actively participate in their own learning and employ a broad range of educational channels to nurture and develop their "multiple intelligences".

Sports, languages, technology, performing arts, multi-cultural interactions, and community service are but a few of the numerous programmes that balance our strong academic core to promote well-rounded student-leaders.

Scholars International Academy is part of the SIG group that has been developing student leaders for 30 years. It is through a history of excellence that we have developed the educational framework to effectively prepare your child to realize their true potential and create their own future.

Our mission is to enable students with the tools, know how and critical thinking to effectively engage, adapt and succeed in the 21st century.


Scholars International Academy is a progressive educational institution that focuses on developing the "whole" child. The school is based on the British curriculum, but incorporates the latest in thought leadership and global pedagogies from around the world. We encourage students to actively participate in their own learning and employ a broad range of educational channels to nurture and develop their "multiple intelligences".

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