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JS Active Bavaria

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About Us

ur JS Active system was developed 20 years ago. Our aim was to create a system which could beneficially influence the vegetative nervous system (VNS). In medical circles, a properly functioning VNS is acknowledged as the basis for rapid cure and lasting health. What we were looking for was a way to give energy back to the body, thereby allowing it to restore its proper balance through a process of gentle, sustainable self-healing. Energy needed to be given back at an appropriate intensity and the process needed to induce cure-promoting reactions in all affected parts of the body with no side effects.

We did not want to sell on the basis of a list of symptoms - somehow suggesting to the user that our product can cure, say, diabetes mellitus II. That should be left to the doctor or therapist or perhaps better still, to the body itself. This way of working is particularly relevant today, since "modern treatments" tend to concentrate much less on the possible causes than on the symptoms!


The reasons for this are many and need not be discussed here, but they encouraged us right from the very start of our development to focus on our mission: the rapid development of our communications age demands ever greater flexibility from our physique and from our psyche. And this leads to stress! Because man is a creature of habit!

So, it was – and still is – extremely important to exclude at least one of the major causes of illness, which is present in almost every case of acute or chronic disease: vegetative dystonia. This is describes as the reduced or temporary non-regulation of the vegetative nervous system.

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