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Dr. Carole Azzam

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About Us

Dr. Carole Azzam MD - born in the city of Liege in Belgium, where I grew up and studied medicine at the University of Liège. During my senior year, I was accepted at the prestigious Harvard Medical School in Boston, and undertook surgery internships.

My surgical training began with three years of general surgery (gastrointestinal, vascular and orthopedic surgeries), followed by three years of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, surgery for burns, hand surgery and microsurgery.

I had the opportunity to spend a one-year internship with world-renowned Professors Jacques Baudet and Dominique Martin, in Bordeaux, France.

After my assistantship, I was fortunate to work for Professor Albert De Mey, in the Brugmann Hospital, Brussels, Belgium, renowned for breast surgery.


- Diploma of Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Microsurgery, Hand Surgery and Burn Surgery. University of Liege, Belgium, 2003.

- University Diploma in Surgical Techniques of Breast Surgery, Cancer Surgery, and Reparative Surgery. Medical School, Paris-Sud, Kremlin-Bicêtre, Paris, France, 2002-2003.

- Final exam of the Collegium Chirurgicum Plasticum Belgicum, Brussels, Belgium, May 2003.

- University Diploma of Surgical Flap Anatomy, Bordeaux 2 University, France, 2000-2001.

- University Diploma in Microsurgery, University of Bordeaux 2, France, 2000-2001.

- Degree of Doctor of Medicine, Surgery and Childbirth. University of Liege, Belgium, June 1997.


* Qualified by the Liege Doctors’ Union (Ordre des Médecins de Liège) in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.

* Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the Colegio de Malaga, Spain.

* Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the Beirut Doctors’Union (Lebanon).

* Plastic Surgery Registration of the GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL (UK).

* License to practice at Dubai Healthcare City (UAE).


Dr. Carole Azzam studied Medicine at the University of Liege, Belgium.

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