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Ananda Yoga Center

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About Us

ANANDA YOGA CENTER specializes in teaching Hatha Yoga in its pure traditional form which is based on the ancient Indian science that dates back to 5000 years. Yoga is not a way for torturing the body in a heated room, nor for doing fast paced exercises and muscle building. Proper yoga practice gives you a fit and disease- free body, mental strength, inner peace and harmony, as well as the added advantage of weight loss and good shape. Yoga also activates the energy channels, hence energizes you while at the same time provides profound relaxation to the body as well as calms the mind. You feel totally relaxed yet energized and refreshed after a yoga session, not exhausted or tired.


A place for you to relax and to be away from "World".

Learn the art of "Action in Relaxation" and get the physical and mental strength to face the world.

I believe in tradition. Tradition is science.

Yoga is beyond religion. A sacred science of body & mind which leads to transformation of your life.

Do it in an intelligent way - Traditional way.

Yoga enables you to be physically as well as mentally fit. Strong muscles will not give you a steady and peaceful mind. Peace of mind is a result of your ability to focus, and yoga helps you to achieve this.

Hatha Yoga helps effectively with stress management through stretching.

I want to be truthful to this sacred science. We are nobody to change this science. We are here to follow only. Great masters like Swami Sivananda, Swami Vivekananda ... never tried to modify or change. They tried to simplify it for common man. I am looking the quality not quantity and Spread peace to the world.

Yoga is popular today due to its numerous benefits on all levels; physical, mental, and spiritual. Yoga practice enables one to lead a relaxed and happy lifestyle in today’s fast paced and stressful world.

At Ananda Yoga Center we teach:

Kriyas (Cleansing Techniques)

Soorya namaskar (Sun salutation)

Asanas (Postures)

Pranayama (Breathing exercises)

Yoga Nidra (Relaxation techniques)

Dhyana (Meditation) and much more.......

and we offer -

Individual and group sessions.

Advanced Asana and Pranayama Class.

Yoga for Kids.

Separate classes for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced levels.

Individual attention.

Workshops on different Yoga related topics for deeper understanding and practice.

Corporate level classes and workshops.

Kriya practices.

Talks from eminent personalities about the science of Body and mind , Diet and nutrition etc.

Library facility.

Seperate changing rooms for men and women.

Special Friday programs.

Meditation classes.

Kirtan sessions.


Workshops & Presentations on “Promotion of positive health” and much much more . . . .

Hatha Yoga is an inner experience that cannot be understood fully intellectually, but will become a living reality through practice and experience.

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